Click on the publication title to get to the paper.
Beaumont N, Börger T, Clark J, Hanley N, Johnston RJ, Meginnis K, Stapenhurst C, de Vries F, (2025) Cooperative agreement between countries of the North Atlantic Ocean reduces marine plastic pollution but with unequal economic benefits. Communications Earth and Environment 6, 134.
Bolouri AA, Lohse T, Qari S (2025) Interdependent preference for financing and providing public goods - The case of national defence. Kyklos
Anders S, Liebe U, Meyerhoff J (2024) Cross-border CO2 transport decreases public acceptance of carbon capture and storage. Nature Climate Change 14, 692-695.
Bartczak A, Budzinski, Liebe U, Meyerhoff J (2024) Distributive justice concerns when combating air pollution: The joint modelling of attitudes and preferences. Energy Economics 141, 107978.
Börger T, Glenk K, Meyerhoff J, Rehdanz K (2024) Mitigating cost-vector effects in stated choice experiments using cheap talk and opt-out reminders. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
Börger T, Hanley N, Johnston RJ, Meginnis K, Ndebele T, Siyal GEA, de Vries F (2024) Equity preferences and abatement cost sharing in international environmental agreements. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 106(1), 416-441.
Börger T, Mmonwa K, Campbell D (2024) Hazardous human-wildlife encounters, risk attitudes and the value of shark nets for coastal recreation. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 106(2), 925-945.
Di Cagno D, Güth W, Lohse T, Marazzi F, Spadoni L (2024) Who cares when value (mis)reporting may be found out? An acquiring-a-company experiment with value messages and information leaks. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 108, 102151.
Doll C, Rollins C, Burton M, Pannell D, Rehdanz K, Meyerhoff J (2024) Public preferences for water-conserving groundcovers on verges. Water Resources and Economics 46, 100239.
Doll C, Rollins C, Rehdanz K, Meyerhoff J, Burton M, Pannell D (2024) Pubic preferences for street tree characteristics: A best-worst scaling experiment. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening.
Franceschinis C, Field D, Mazzucato S, McBratney A, Meyerhoff J, Thiene M (2024) The economic value of soil functions. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Science, 2024.
Glenk K, Meyerhoff J, Colombo S, Faccioli M (2024) Enhancing the face validity of choice experiments: A simple diagnostic check. Ecological Economics 108160.
Johnston RJ, Börger T, Meginnis K, Hanley N, Ndebele T, Siyal GEA, Beaumont NJ, de Vries F (2024) Consequences of omitting non-lethal wildlife impacts from stated preference scenarios. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 103011.
Koemle D, Gassler B, Kyle G, Meyerhoff J, Arlinghaus R (2024) How involvement drives decision rules behind stated preferences for recreational-fisheries management. Journal of Environmental Management 349, 119604.
Mariel P, Artabe A, Lliebe U, Meyerhoff J (2024) An assessment of the current use of hybrid choice models in environmental ecoomics, and considerations for future applications. Journal of Choice Modelling 53, 100520.
Ngoc QTK, Xuan BB, Börger T, Hien TT, Hao TV, Trinh DT, Nghiep VK (2024) Exploring fishers’ pro-environmental behavioral intention and support for policies to combat marine litter in Vietnam. Marine Pollution Bulletin 200, 116143.
Nguyen HDM, Toledo-Gallegos VM, Tran HT, Börger T (2024) Interregional watershed services: Valuation of the benefits of controlled embankment breaches to manage urban flood risk. Water Resources and Economics 48, 100254.
Packham N (2024) Risk factor aggregation and stress testing. Quantatitive Finance 24(9), 1327-1340.
Qari S, Börger T, Lohse T, Meyerhoff J (2024) The value of national defense: Assessing public preferences for defense policy options. European Journal of Political Economy, 102595.
van Cranenburgh S, Meyerhoff J, Rehdanz K, Wunsch A (2024) On the impact of decision rule assumptions in experimental designs on preference recovery: An application to climate change adaptation measures. Journal of Choice Modelling 50, 100465.
Andreini P, Hasenzagl T, Reichlin L, Senftleben C, Strohsal T (2023) Nowcasting German GDP: Foreign factors, financial markets and model averaging. International Journal of Forecasting 39, 298-313.
Ardalan A, Zoubek M, Kessing SG, Qari S (2023) Does capital bear the burden of local corporate taxes? Evidence from Germany. Journal of Government and Economics 9, 100067.
Bellmann L, Bellmann L, Kölling A (2023) Flexible use of the large-scale Short-Time Work Scheme in Germany during the Pandemic: Dynamic Labour Demand Models Estimation with High-Frequency Establishment Data. Economies 11(7), 192.
Börger T, Maccagnan A, White M, Elliott L, Taylor T (2023) Was the trip worth it? Consistency between decision and experienced utility assessments of recreational visits to nature. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 105(2): 525-545.
Doll C, Rollins C, Burton M, Pannell D, Rehdanz K, Meyerhoff J (2023) Encouraging ecological landscape designs on underutilized urban banks: Homeowner preferences for verge conversion programs. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 87, 128049.
Franceschinis C, McBratney A, Eusse-Villa L, Field D, Thiene M, Meyerhoff J (2023) Society's willingness to pay to pay its way to soil security. Soil Security.
Klefoth T, Wegener N, Meyerhoff J, Arlinghaus R (2023) Do anglers and managers think similarly about stocking, habitat management and harvest regulations? Implications for the management of community-governed recreational fisheries. Fisheries Research 260, 106589.
Lecuyer L, Börger T, Calmé S, Schmook B, White R (2023) Cattle ranchers’ tolerance to jaguars revealed through a spectrum of intended behaviours across a gradient of losses in a gamified survey-based field experiment. Biological Conservation 285, 110253.
Liu F, Packham N, Lu M-J, Härdle WK (2023) Hedging cryptos with Bidcoin futures. Quantitative Finance 23(5), 819-841.
Matic JL, Packham N, Härdle WK (2023) Hedging cryptocurrency options. Review of Derivatives Research 26, 91-133.
Merk C, Liebe U, Meyerhoff J, Rehdanz K (2023) German citizens’ preference for domestic carbon dioxide removal by afforestation is incompatible with national removal potential. Communications Earth & Environment 4(1), 100.
Meyerhoff J, Oehlmann M (2023) The performance of full versus partial profile choice set designs in environmental valuation. Ecological Economics 204(A),107665
Misi Lopes LE, Packham N, Walther U (2023) The effect of governance quality on future economic growth: An analysis and comparison of emerging market and developed economies. SN Business and Economics 3(108).
Moreaux C, Jacobsen JB, Meyerhoff J, Dalsgaard B, Rahbek C, Strange N (2023) Distance and regional effects on the value of wild bee conservation. Environmental and Resource Economics 84(1), 37-63.
Ngoc QTK, Xuan BB, Börger T, Nguyen ND (2023) The impact of marine litter on production risk and technical efficiency in the trawl fisheries of Vietnam. Marine Resource Economics 38(1), 65-84.
Packham N, Woebbeking F (2023) Correlation scenarios and correlation stress testing. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 205, 55-67.
Vega-Bajo A, Mariel P, Meyerhoff J, Corsi AM, Chovan M (2023) Climage change adaptation preferences of winemakers from the Rioja wine appellation. Journal of Choice Modelling 48, 100434.
Ahtiainen H, Lankia T, Lehtonen J, Lehtonen O, Bertram C, Meyerhoff J, Pakalniete K, Rehdanz K, Pouta E (2022) Welfare effect of substitute sites for coastal recreation – evidence from the Baltic Sea. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 1-21.
Bronnmann J, Koemle D, Meyerhoff J, Weltersbach M S, Strehlow H V, Arlinghaus R (2022) Willingness to pay for harvest regulations and catch outcomes in recreational fisheries: A stated preference study of German cod anglers. Fisheries Research 259, 106536.
Eusse-Villa L, McBratney A, Franceschinis C, Meyerhoff J, Field D, Thiene M (2022) Mapping citizens' attitudes towards soil ecosystem services: A case study from New South Wales, Australia. Soil Security 7.
Fendel T, Jochimsen B (2022) Home care allowance and labor market participation of immigrant and native-born mothers. SN Social Sciences 2(7), 93.
Franceschinis C, Liebe U, Thiene M, Meyerhoff J, Field D, McBratney A (2022) The effect of social and personal norms on stated preferences for multiple soil functions: evidence from Australia and Italy. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 66, 335-362.
Hess S, Lancsar E, Mariel P, Meyerhoff J, Song F, van den Broek-Altenburg E, et al. (2022) The path towards herd immunity: Predicting COVID-19 vaccination uptake through results from a stated choice study across six continents. Social Science & Medicine 298.
Koemle D, Meyerhoff J, Arlinghaus R, 2022. How catch uncertainty and harvest regulations drive anglers' choice for pike (Esox lucius) fishing in the Baltic Sea. Fisheries Research 256(2), 106480.
Kölling A (2022) Monopsony power and the demand for low-skilled workers. The Economic and Labour Relations Review 33(2), 377-395.
Kölling A (2022) Shortage of Skilled Labor, Unions and the Wage Premium: A Regression Analysis with Establishment Panel Data for Germany. Journal of Labor Research 43(2), 239-259.
Kölling A, Mertens A (2022) Export activities and the demand for skills in German businesses. Empirica 49(1), 189-223.
Kölling A, Schnabel C (2022) Owners, external managers and industrial relations in German establishments. British Journal of Industrial Relations 60(2), 424-443.
Mariel P, Khan M A, Meyerhoff J (2022) Valuing individuals’ preferences for air quality improvement: Evidence from a discrete choice experiment in South Delhi. Economic Analysis and Policy 74.
Meyerhoff J, Klefoth T, Arlinghaus R (2022) Ecosystem service trade-offs at small lakes: Preferences of the public and anglers. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 25(3), 1-11
Parkins JR, Anders S, Meyerhoff J, Holowach M (2022), Landowner acceptance of wind turbines on their land: Insights from a factorial survey experiment. Land Economics 98(4), 674-689.
Sacher P, Meyer M, Meyerhoff J (2022) Evidence of the association between deadwood and forest recreational site choices. Forest Policy and Economics 135, 102638.
Toledo-Gallegos VM, Nguyen HDM, Tuan TH, Börger T (2022) Valuing ecosystem services and disservices of blue/green infrastructure. Evidence from a choice experiment in Vietnam. Economic Analysis and Policy 75, 114-128.
Wunsch A, Meyerhoff J, Rehdanz K (2022) A test-retest analysis of stated preferences in uncertain times. Economic Analysis and Policy 73(2).
Xuan BB, Ngoc QTK, Börger T (2022) Fisher preferences for marine litter interventions in Vietnam. Ecological Economics 200, 107534.
Börger T, Abate TG, Aanesen M, Zawojska E (2021) Payment and policy consequentiality in dichotomous choice contingent valuation: Experimental design effects on self-reported perceptions. Land Economics 97(2), 407-424.
Börger T, Campbell D, White MP, Elliott LR, Fleming LE, Garrett JK, Hattam C, Hynes S, Lankia T, Taylor T (2021) The value of blue-space recreation and perceived water quality across Europe: A contingent behaviour study. Science of the Total Environment 771, 145597.
Börger T, Ngoc QTK, Kuhfuss L, Hien TT, Hanley N, Campbell D (2021) Preferences for coastal and marine conservation: Accounting for differences in individual choice set formation. Ecological Economics 180(C), 106885
Elsasser P, Altenbrunn K, Köthke M, Lorenz M, Meyerhoff J (2021) Spatial distribution of forest ecosystem service benefits in Germany: A multiple benefit-transfer model. Forests 12(2), 169.
Eusse-Villa L, Franceschinis C, Thiene M, Meyerhoff J, McBratney A, Field D (2021) Attitudes and preferences towards soil-based ecosystem services: How do they vary across space? Sustainability 13(16), 8722.
Geiger S, Freudenstein JP, von Jorck G, Gerold S, Schrader U (2021) Time wealth: measurement, drivers and consequences. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology (2), 100015.
Kölling A (2021) Labor demand, qualifications, and family management: Analyzing labor demand of German family-managed firms with panel data. Applied Economics Quarterly, 67(2), 143-175.
Konrad KA, Lohse T, Simon, SA (2021) Pecunia non olet: on the self-selection into (dis) honest earning opportunities. Experimental Economics 24(4), 1105-1130.
Liebe U, Meyerhoff J (2021) Mapping potentials and challenges of choice modelling for social science research. Journal of Choice Modelling, 38, 100270.
Lohse T, Qari S (2021) Gender differences in face-to-face deceptive behavior. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 187, 1-15.
Lohse T, Simon SA (2021) Compliance in teams–Implications of joint decisions and shared consequences. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 94, 101745.
Meyerhoff J, Rehdanz K, Wunsch A (2021) Preferences for coastal adaptation to climate change: evidence from a choice experiment. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 10(4), 374-390.
Oehlmann M, Glenk K, Lloyd-Smith P, Meyerhoff J (2021) Quantifying landscape externalities of renewable energy development: implications of attribute cut-offs in choice experiments. Resource and Energy Economics 101240.
Sagebiel J, Glenk K, Meyerhoff J (2021) Does the place of residence affect land use preferences? Evidence from a choice experiment in Germany. Bio-based and Applied Economics 9(3): 283-304, 2.
Toledo-Gallegos VM, Long J, Campbell D, Börger T, Hanley N (2021) Spatial clustering of willingness to pay for ecosystem services. Journal of Agricultural Economics 72(3), 673-697.
Zhen Z, Weber E, Strohsal T, Serhan D (2021) Sustainable border control policy in the COVID-19 pandemic: A math modeling study. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 41, 102044.
Abate TG, Börger T, Aanesen M, Falk-Andersson J, Wyles KJ, Beaumont N (2020) Valuation of marine plastic pollution in the European Arctic: Applying an integrated choice and latent variable model to contingent valuation. Ecological Economics 169, 106521.
Bertram C,Ahtiainen H, Meyerhoff J, Pakalniete K, Pouta E, Rehdanz K (2020) Contingent behavior and asymmetric preferences for Baltic Sea coastal recreation. Environmental and Resource Economics 75, 49-78.
Börger T, Hooper TL, Austen MC, Marcone O, Rendón O (2020) Using stated preference valuation in the offshore environment to support marine planning. Journal of Environmental Management 265, 110520.
Glenk K, Johnston R J, Meyerhoff J, Sagebiel J (2020) Spatial Dimensions of Stated Preference Valuation in Environmental and Resource Economics: Methods, Trends and Challenges. Environmental and Resource Economics 75, 215–242
Hu K, Keenan K, Hale JM, Börger T (2020) The effect of city-level air pollution on frailty among the oldest old in China: A longitudinal study. Health and Place 64, 102362.
Kölling A (2020) Long‐run asymmetries in labor demand: Estimating wage elasticities of labor demand using a fractional panel probit model. Labour 34(1), 26-47.
Kölling A (2020) Employment in family managed firms: Less but safe? Analysing labour demand of German family managed firms with a treatment model for panel data. Bulletin of Economic Research 72(1), 14-32.
Strohsal T, Wolf E (2020) Data revisions to German national accounts: Are initial releases good nowcasts? International Journal of Forecasting 36, 1252-1259.
Sundt S, Rehdanz K, Meyerhoff J (2020) Consumers' willingness to accept time-of-use tariffs for shifting electricity demand. Energies 13, 1895.
Ahtiainen H, Liski E, Pouta E, Soini K, Bertram C, Rehdanz K, Pakalniete K, Meyerhoff J (2019) Cultural ecosystem services provided by the Baltic Sea marine environment. Ambio - A Journal of the Human Environment 48, 1350-1361.
Beaumont NJ, Aanesen M, Austen MC, Börger T, Clark JR, Cole M, Hooper T, Lindeque PK, Pascoe C, Wyles KJ (2019) Global ecological, social and economic impacts of marine plastic. Marine Pollution Bulletin 142, 189-195.
Demel S, Mariel P, Meyerhoff J (2019) Job preferences of business and economics students, International Journal of Manpower. 40 (3), 473-499.
Dwenger N, Lohse T (2019) Do individuals successfully cover up their lies? Evidence from a compliance experiment. Journal of Economic Psychology 71, 74-87.
Glenk K, Meyerhoff J, Akaichi F, Martin-Ortega J (2019) Revisiting cost vector effects in discrete choice experiments. Resource and Energy Economics 57, 135-155.
Getzner M, Meyerhoff J, Schläpfer F (2019) Willingness to pay for nature conservation policies in state-owned forests: An austrian case study. Forests 9(9): 537
Hooper T, Börger T, Langmead O, Marcone O, Rees SE, Rendon O, Beaumont N, Attrill MJ, Austen MC (2019) Applying the natural capital approach to decision making for the marine environment. Ecosystem Services, 38, 100947.
Kölling A (2019). Family-managed firms and labor demand size matters—but only the small ones are different. CESifo Economic Studies 65(1), 108-129.
Ladenburg J, Meyerhoff J, Bonnichsen O (2019) Trading off positive and negative service changes in daycare: A choice experiment using a latent class modelling approach. Applied Economics 52(4), 1427-1445.
Meyerhoff J, Klefoth T, Arlinghaus R (2019) The value artificial lake ecosystems provide to recreational anglers: Implications for management of biodiversity and outdoor recreation. Journal of Environmental Management 252, 109580.
Millar N, McLaughlin E, Börger T (2019) The circular economy: Swings and roundabouts? Ecological Economics 158, 11-19.
Nautz D, Strohsal T, Netsunajev A (2019) The anchoring of inflation expectations in the short and in the long run. Macroeconomic Dynamics 23, 1959-1977.
Riepe C, Meyerhoff J, Fujitani M, Aas Ø, Radinger J, Kochalski S, Arlinghaus R (2019) Managing river fish biodiversity generates substantial economic benefits in four european countries. Environmental Management 63, 759
Strohsal T, Proaño CR, Wolters J (2019) Characterizing the financial cycle: Evidence from a frequency domain analysis. Journal of Banking & Finance 106, 568-591.
Strohsal T, Proaño CR, Wolters J (2019) Assessing the cross-country interaction of financial cycles: Evidence from a multivariate spectral analysis of the US and the UK. Empirical Economics 57, 385-398.
Tinch RD, Beaumont NJ, Sunderland T, Ozdemiroglu E, Barton D, Bowe C, Börger T, Burgess P, Cooper CN, Faccioli M, Failler P, Gkolemi I, Longo A, McVittie A, Morris J, Park J, Ravenscroft N, Schaafsma M, Vause J, Ziv G (2019) Economic valuation of ecosystem goods and services: A review for decision makers. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 1-20.
Börger T, Böhnke-Henrichs A, Hattam C, Piwowarczyk J, Schasfoort F, Austen MC (2018) The role of interdisciplinary collaboration for stated preference methods to value marine environmental goods and ecosystem services. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 201, 140-151.
Garnett S T, Zander K, Hagerman S, Satterfield T, Meyerhoff J (2018) Social preferences for adaptation measures to conserve Australian birds threatened by climate change. Oryx 52(2), 325-335.
Groeneveld RA, Bartelings H, Börger T, Bosello F, Buisman E, Delpiazzo E, Eboli F, Fernandes JA, Hamon KG, Hattam C, Loureiro M, Nunes PALD, Piwowarczyk J, Schasfoort FE, Simons SL, Walker AN (2018) Economic impacts of marine ecological change: Review and recent contributions of the VECTORS project on European marine waters. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 201, 152-163.
Jochimsen B, Raffer C (2018) Herausforderungen bei der Messung von Wohlfahrt. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 67(1), 63-100.
Jochimsen B (2018) Federalism in Germany, Italy, and the European Union: History, Characteristics, and Perspectives. Journal for Markets and Ethics 6(1), 145-154.
Kölling A (2018) Asymmetries in labor demand: Do loss aversion and endowment effects affect labor demand elasticities on the establishment level? The Journal of Economic Asymmetries 18(C), 1-1.
Liebe U, Mariel P, Beyer H, Meyerhoff J (2018) Uncovering the nexus between attitudes, preferences and behavior in sociological applications of stated choice experiments. Sociological Methods and Research 50(1), 310-347.
Liebe U, Meyerhoff J, Kroesen M, Chorus C, Glenk K (2018) From welcome culture to welcome limits? Uncovering preference changes over time for sheltering refugees in Germany, PLoS ONE 13(8):e0199923.
Lohse T, Qari S (2018) Video recordings in experiments - Are there effects on self-selection or the outcome of the experiment? Economics Bulletin 2018, 38(3), 1381-1394.
Lohse T, Simon SA, Konrad KA (2018) Deception under time pressure: Conscious decision or a problem of awareness? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 146, 31-42.
Mariel P, Meyerhoff J (2018) A More Flexible Model or Simply More Effort? On the Use of Correlated Random Parameters in Applied Choice Studies. Ecological Economics 154, 419-429
Rommel J, Radtke J, von Jorck G, Mey, F, Yildiz Ö (2018) Community renewable energy at a crossroads: A think piece on degrowth, technology, and the democratization of the German energy system. Journal of Cleaner Production (197), 1746-1753.
Lohse T, Börger T, Meyerhoff J, Qari S (2023) Der Wert von Sicherheit und nationaler Verteidigung. Wirtschaftsdienst 103(6), 1-6.
Fendel, T, Jochimsen, B (2023), Betreuungsgeld – familienpolitische Leistung oder Hindernis bei der Arbeitsmarktintegration? Wirtschaftsdienst 103 (5), 309-313.
Lohse T, Simon, S A (2023) Compliance-Verhalten in Teams. ZRFC – Zeitschrift für Risk, Fraud & Compliance. 2/2023, 83 – 87.
Jochimsen, B (2023) Datenlage zu MVZ-Gruppen: Status Quo und Handlungserfordernisse zur Evaluierung, in Dirk Knüppel, Günter Neubauer, Sibylle Stauch-Eckmann (Hrsg.) Versorgungsqualität als Erfolgsfaktor, Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 105-113.
Jochimsen, B (2023) Resilienz im Gesundheitswesen stärken, Wirtschaftsdienst 103 (3), 179-185.
Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der Entwicklung im Gesundheitswesen (2023), Resilienz im Gesundheitswesen, Wege zur Bewältigung künftiger Krisen, Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Berlin (Mitautorin B. Jochimsen).
Jochimsen, B (2022), Klare Entscheidungsstrukturen im Föderalismus und nachhaltige Digitalisierung, ifo Schnelldienst 75 (3), 7-10.
Jochimsen B (2021) Digitalisierung für Gesundheit—ökonomische Aspekte des Gutachtens des SVR Gesundheit. Wirtschaftsdienst, 101(5), 376-380.
Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der Entwicklung im Gesundheitswesen (2021), Digitalisierung für Gesundheit - Ziele und Rahmenbedingungen eines dynamisch lernenden Gesundheitssystems, Verlag Hogrefe, Bern (Mitautorin B. Jochimsen).
von Jorck G, Schrader U (2021) The role of business in the creation of sustainable work. In: Seidl I, Zahrnt A (eds.): Post-Growth Work: Employment and Meaningful Activities within Planetary Boundaries. Routledge, 72-84.
Lohse T, Qari S (2021) Soziale Interaktion und geschlechtsspezifisches Wettbewerbsverhalten, DIW Roundup: Politik im Fokus, No. 138.
Roedenbeck M, Qari S, Herold M (2021) Künstliche Intelligenz im Recruiting: Performancevergleiche des (un-) supervised Learnings bei Bewerbungsdokumenten. Künstliche Intelligenz in der Anwendung: Rechtliche Aspekte, Anwendungspotenziale und Einsatzszenarien, 219-237.
Jochimsen B (2020) Gesundheitswesen: Mutig (er) voranschreiten. Wirtschaftsdienst 100(2), 83-83.
Kölling A (2019) Family-managed Firms and Labor Demand Size Matters—but Only the Small Ones Are Different. CESifo Economic Studies, 65(1), 108-129.
Jochimsen B, Lehmann R (2018) Beeinflussen Politiker das Ergebnis von nationalen Steuerschätzungen? Wirtschaftsdienst 98(7), 489-493.